The information below can be applied to the way we process almost all of our commission work.
Step 1 - Consultation - Tell Us What You Need
“I need a 4 foot wide gate for my walkway, to keep my dog from getting out. I’d like for the gate to have bees, beehives, or flowers.”
Step 2 - Sketch Approval & Estimate
Once we have a clear vision of your need, we will send you a free online estimate. If you accept our proposal, you will receive a sketch for approval.
Step 3 - Sign Contract & Begin Fabrication
When you agree to the sketch or description of the project, we will schedule an appointment to meet in person, measure the space and make patterns. Then we will send you a Master Service Agreement and a Scope of Work with specific details for your project. We will agree on a payment schedule (if applicable), and time frame for completion.